Business Support

If you are a company looking for WASP services, or interested in providing WASP services, please use the links on this page to find out more information on topics of relevance to businesses.

What is a WASP?

WASP stands for Wireless Application Service Provider. Usually this abbreviation is used to refer to an independent company with links to a network operator or all the major network operators that provides its customers with web-based access to various services from wireless devices.

Complete list of members

A comprehensive list of WASPA members.

Search members by name

A tool to quickly find WASPA members based on their name or portion thereof.

List members by service provided

A tool to list WASPA members based on the type of services they provide.

WASPA membership application

Apply to become a member of WASPA. You may also find the following information useful:

Code of conduct

The WASPA code of conduct includes the latest code, previous versions of the code, rules for advertising, guidelines on children’s viewing times and information on adjudications.